CAIR | Apply to Serve
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Apply to Serve

Join the CAIR Board

The CAIR Board invites applications for 4-5 positions (1 Vice President and 3-4 Directors) who will assume their roles starting January 1, 2024.

Why Join the CAIR Board?

A position on the CAIR Board provides the unique opportunity to represent the diverse interests of the profession and network with institutional research (IR) and institutional effectiveness (IE) professionals from all segments of higher education in California. Board members are responsible for representing the diversified interests of their segment while maintaining a focus on the needs of the CAIR community and its mission. The largest undertaking for the Board is organizing and implementing the annual CAIR conference. Serving on the Board is an excellent professional development opportunity to network and to stay abreast of the field of institutional research and effectiveness – as many of the current Board members can attest.

Please view the Call for Nominations here for more information and required materials.

Applications are due July 17, 2023, by 11:59 pm. Please contact Elizabeth Giddens, Chair of the Nominating Committee, at for more information.