CAIR | CAIR Data Talks
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CAIR Data Talks

These online workshops and seminars are an opportunity for the community to connect with new tools and practices that enhance the IR profession’s mission of supporting evidence-based decision-making.

If you are interested in more professional development opportunities like this, please consider attending our conference.

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Previous CAIR Data Talks:

May 10, 2022 11:30am-1pm Pacific
Andrew Drinkwater, Co-Founder and President, Plaid Analytics
Patrick Lougheed, Co-Founder and Chief Solutions Officer
Clara Yeung, Analytics Architect, Plaid Analytics


Intro to Datahub for IR Professionals
Join Plaid Analytics ( for an interactive exploration of DataHub (, an open source metadata platform that supports data governance by allowing you to visualize data lineage between different systems, maintain data and object definitions and descriptions, and manage who has access to this information. In this interactive session, we’ll showcase lineage between a Banner SIS database, data warehouse, and Tableau as well as associated field documentation and help you find ways to translate this work to your own office.



February 16, 2022 11am-1pm Pacific
Dr. Divya Bheda, Director, Education and Assessment, ExamSoft
Dr. Amanda Krzyzanowski, Client Training Manager, ExamSoft
Slide Deck

Data for equity: Exploring possibilities, assuring impact
How can data advance equity? What processes must be in place for data to meaningfully catalyze student success? What roles do institutional research and institutional assessment offices play in strong and valid data use?

This webinar helps answer these questions and gives attendees insights into various possibilities for impact, intervention, and innovation. Together, we will explore ideas and avenues for data offices and data personnel to become equity and student success champions.

Please cite any reference to this webinar as Bheda, D. & Krzyzanowski, A. (2022, February 16). Data for Equity: Exploring Possibilities, Assuring Impact [CAIR Data Talks Webinar]. ExamSoft Worldwide LLC.






January 11, 2022 11am-1pm Pacific
Brian Parish, iData

Some Tips and Best Practices on Writing Great Business Glossary Definitions
In this session attendees will receive tips and best practices that can be used to improve the quality and the quantity of the definitions at your institution. The Data Cookbook data governance solution will be mentioned during this session.




December 8, 2021 12pm-2pm Pacific
Chuck Huber, Stata Director of Statistical Outreach
Presentation Slides

This talk will introduce the new customizable tables in Stata 17. You will learn how to easily create cross tabulations, tables of summary statistics, and tables of regression results using the updated -table- command. You will also see how you can create customized tables after you collect results from any Stata command. This means your table can include summary statistics, results of standard hypothesis tests, regression results, and results of tests and fit statistics obtained after model fitting. With the results collected from Stata commands, you will learn how to specify a table layout—what belongs on the rows and columns—and how to customize the look of the table. You can modify labels in headers, numerical format, text alignment, cell shading, border lines, and much more. You will also learn how to export your customized tables to Word, Excel, PDF, LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, SMCL, and plain text.