13 Mar CAIR Announces First 2022 Keynote Conference Speaker
The California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR) has announced the Wednesday luncheon speaker for its 2022 conference taking place in La Jolla, California. Wednesday’s keynote will feature Dr. Natasha Jankowski.
Dr. Jankowski is a higher education and assessment expert, Senior Fellow for community colleges at Strada Education Network, and lecturer for New England College and Endicott College. She formerly served as the Executive Director of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) and has written or edited numerous articles and books on assessment and institutional effectiveness. Dr. Jankowski’s session is entitled IR and Assessment: Connections in Support of Data Literacy for Improvement. More information about Dr. Jankowski and her keynote address are available here.
CAIR’s 2022 conference theme is Institutional Research and Effectiveness: Using Data to Guide Improvement, focusing on
- Collecting, analyzing, and reporting data to support planning and continuous improvement throughout the institution
- Exploring intersections between the work of IR and assessment/IE
- Evaluating the effectiveness of the IR and assessment/IE functions
- Increasing data literacy through strategic partnerships between IR and assessment/IE
- Leading offices with dual functions
CAIR’s conference will be taking place November 16-18, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine. More information about the conference (including registration information) is available here. All are are welcome to register to attend.
CAIR is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the fostering of unity and cooperation among persons having interests and activities related to institutional research and/or planning in California institutions of postsecondary education. CAIR provides a forum for the dissemination of information and interchange of ideas on problems of common interest in the field of institutional research.
In addition, CAIR promotes the continued professional development of individuals engaging in institutional research and fosters the unity and cooperation among persons having interests and activities related to research.
Please don’t hesitate to contact CAIR with questions about the organization or the upcoming conference.
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