CAIR | Get Involved
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Get Involved


CAIR has multiple volunteer opportunities. We welcome the contributions of all attendees and friends of CAIR and make every effort to make use of members’ talents in ways that are mutually beneficial. The areas listed below are examples within the general category of volunteer opportunities. Please contact a CAIR Board member to inquire about current activities or Association needs. Volunteering with CAIR provides an opportunity to network, get involved, and contribute your ideas. Typically, volunteering is the first step to taking on a larger leadership role. And — it’s great for your professional development and resume building!



Each year the CAIR Board elects new Officers and Directors to the Board to fill vacant positions. While each position has its own unique set of qualifications, generally those running for elected positions will have experience with one or more of CAIR’s committees and/or volunteering with CAIR.

The CAIR Board invites applications for four positions – one vice president, one secretary, and two directors – which will assume their role starting January 1, 2021. The Call for Nominations includes instructions for completing and submitting your application and answers to frequently asked questions. The deadline for submissions is July 15th, 2020.


CAIR has several ongoing committees which carry out the organization’s mission and goals. These committees work under the supervision of a CAIR Board member providing recommendations and advice to the Board. While some committees require persons with specific expertise (such as assessment, program proposal review, phone app), others do not. Committees do their work by email and conference call. The time commitment varies by committee, ranging from approximately 2-6 hours per month. The call for volunteers opens in January.
