CAIR | Become a Sponsor
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Become a Sponsor

It’s official! CAIR 2021 is meeting in person in Lake Tahoe, October 27-29, 2021. We are now accepting applications for CAIR 2021 sponsors!

We have also extended the early bird sponsorship deadline to September 10, 2021. Purchase your sponsorship today!

  1. Click here to access the 2021 Sponsor Prospectus.

  2. Select the appropriate sponsorship level.

  3. Complete the required sponsorship application (included in prospectus).

  4. Send application with required materials to

  5. Once approved, a Whova discount code will be provided. Purchase sponsorship via the Whova registration page here.

If there are any questions about these sponsorship options, please contact CAIR VP, Andrew Cress, at

Sponsorship particulars related to onsite activities can be found here. Please contact the CAIR VP with questions.